Sunday 9 June 2013

Our Sunday In Pictures

Today, we went to Baby Boo's 2nd birthday party, Baby Boo is my 2nd youngest nephew and has featured on my blog before (being a tester for MAM dummies and TOMY toys). I am very close to Baby Boo, seeing him and his elder brother almost daily and I can't believe tomorrow (the 10th of June) he will be 2! Time goes way too fast. Here is some of our day in photo form!

Spud on a bouncy castle with his cousins and uncle.

Spud having a go at the pinata with Auntie Paula.

On the bouncy castle with 2 of his uncle's and some of his cousins.

Spud's party box.

Excited to see what's inside!

It's filled with goodies!

Lot's of goodies to keep him going!

Sat at Uncle Paul's newly built bar, enjoying a cup of blackcurrant!

Big smiles.

Receiving a kiss from the birthday baby.

Chilling with Uncle Paul, the youngest baby and Bailey the puppy.

Having a go on the pinata again big boy, my oldest nephew and Spud's oldest cousin.

Chilling out on the bouncy castle with 3 of his little cousins.

All 6 boys, my 5 nephews, and Spud's 5 cousins!

Baby Boo blowing out his second birthday cake with his Mummy and Daddy.

We both had a fabulous day, it's rare when all the family is free together, it was lovely to see all my nephews and siblings apart from my baby sister who lives in Cornwall now with my Mum. I am gutted they weren't here, but we will be seeing them soon thankfully. The party was fab and so was the delicious yummy BBQ food! I hope you all had a lovely Sunday/weekend and managed to enjoy the sun! I would love to hear what you got up too!

Until next time,
Jade x


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