Friday 7 March 2014

Facing The Year Of 2013.

Spud was born seven week's too early, seven weeks premature and seven weeks too soon, Spud was delivered at 33 weeks and weighed a tiny 4lb. At just three weeks old, Spud had his first operation, which was an emergency operation that started with a unsettled baby. Spud was took to the out of hours doctors after a telephone call to them by me, and from there, we was rushed through the hospital and onto a children's emergency ward where doctor's and nurses surrounded him in a room putting tubes down his throat and keeping me and his daddy waiting in the corridor in a emotional and stressful state.

After 15 minutes, but what seemed like hours, two paramedics appeared and entered the room, it was then a nurse come out and told us that Spud was being transferred to John Radcliffe Hospital for an emergency operation, we was to be taken in a ambulance with the blues and twos down the motorway.

Spud was operated on in 2007 and we was told by the John Radcliffe team if a problem did not correct itself in two weeks time, to take him to our doctors. The problem did not go away, and two weeks later I took him to my doctors, after year's of taking Spud to the doctors, in January 2013, nearly six year's after the first operation, Spud was finally referred to the hospital after my persistent attendance to the doctors. Spud has suffered with his belly all of his life, sometimes for days and weeks on end, his stomach will be fine, and then all of a sudden, without warning or notice, it starts again and leaves him in pain and discomfort. 

 2013 was also the year we was told Spud had no other options to correct his eye and surgery will be needed. We had tried every single method and option, and in the end just wanted him to go ahead with the operation, knowing that this will most probably be his only chance to correct it.

2013 was the year my mum, Spud's grandmother moved over four hours away to Cornwall, it made me realise how important family really was and how much I would miss my mum and little sister.

2013 was the year I truly embarked on my real blogging/writing adventure, what started as a hobby, become my career. I was able to comfortably come off benefits and enter work thanks to my writing, although it's part time, and doesn't bring me millions, it takes me away from the benefit stigma and returns pride to me as a working mother.

2013 was the year my beautiful, amazing and clever boy turned seven! Seven whole year's and what a excellent time full of celebrations we had!

2013 was the year my first niece was born, after having Spud and five nephews blessing the family, I have been eager to have a princess in the family so I can pass on my love of all things pink to her! Baby Karmel was born December 2013, and is just beautiful! Can we give her a big welcome?

2013 see me and a room full of other bloggers listen to Lord Maurice Saatchi at the Houses of Parliament for his Medical Innovation Bill, knowing that I was sat in a special room at one of London's most famous landmarks was just excellent. I was later asked to be one of the Lord's ambassadors to support the bill further, truly amazing!

2013 was the year me and Spud completed our Disney Classics collection, numbers 1-51 of all the Disney Classics can now be found on the top shelf of our DVD cabinet, pride and joy!

2013 was the year Spud started year 3 - junior school. This beautiful boy who doctor's told me will be slow and behind forever amazes me on a daily basis, he teaches me thing's I never knew and really does help jog my memory! Spud is in the same year as his peers and is within the national curriculum as expected for his age!

2013 was the year my baby brother turned 21, he's still my baby brother though. Me and Jamie have that love/hate relationship, when we are close, we are close and when we fall out, we are still close! Jamie and me confide in things to eachother which we feel we can't talk about to others. Jamie at the age of 21, won a space out of thousands to volunteer in Africa building the less fortunate a set of new community buildings!

2013 was the year I first left Spud alone far more than overnight, I went off to London with some blogging friends and attended BritMums Live with graceful thanks to my amazing sponsor. Here I learned many ways to improve my blog and writing skills and had the chance to meet loads of fellow bloggers, some of whom I have become really close to and some who I speak to more than my actual friends!

2013 was a year full of many memories, some private, some I just wish to forget, and some that may pop up on the blog real soon! This post has been inspired by a chat with my lovely friend Claire, I don't like the number 13, its part of my OCD with numbers. However, talking and even writing about the number I don't like, or more so that I am afraid of has really helped!

We may be in the third month of the new year, but we can still talk about the 12 months of 2013!

Jada x


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