Wow, where oh where has the time gone? Last Friday was Good Friday (aka Easter Friday) where we ate fish for dinner and said our prayers.
The day after, my beautiful son turned 7 years old, a day I want to keep private but a day I know he enjoyed.

The next day was Sunday, Easter Sunday, where we feasted on loads of chocolate, got together with family, had a huge roast turkey and lamb dinner, remembered the reason for the season (Jesus, I will not bring my religion into this post) and sang Happy Birthday to Spud, then presented him with his Mickey Mouse cake. Me and Spud also made Easter cakes, and the kiddies took part in a Easter egg hunt!

On Monday we entered April, the fourth month of the year ALREADY!! Monday was a very exciting day for Spud, as me, Spud, my sister in law and oldest nephew Big Boy went to Chesington World Of Adventures (a theme park) for a VIP Lego Chima Event, I will write up about the event as soon as we are home (read on to find out where we are). We all had a fantastic time, the kids loved everything Lego wise, the Lego Chima movie and meeting the characters, they loved the rides and loved seeing lots of different animals.

On Tuesday, me and Spud woke up early for the 7th day in a row, excited, extremely excited as it was the day of our holiday!! Not only the day we went on holiday but the day we got to see our Mum/Nanna, little sister/Auntie and G again, ohh how we have missed them. Our train arrived at our nearest train station delayed, but we didn't care, as long as we got here! Two train rides lasting 3+ hours and an hours car ride and we finally got to my Mums, I will be writing a post up soon about our 'holiday' but in the mean time, I hope all my lovely readers and visitors have had a lovely Easter and for all you parents I hope you and your children are enjoying the Easter half term!

Why don't you leave a comment telling me of your Easter event's or any plans you have made! I'm not nosy I promise, I'm just intrigued =D
Jade x
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