Sunday 24 March 2013

Trunki ToyBox Review

I love the Trunki make, ever since I saw them cute little suitcases with the wheels that children ride around on, I wanted Spud to have one, the timing to get one was never right though, and unfortunately Spud has outgrown them (we believe), we was however delighted to know that the Trunki ToyBox was suitable for him, before they had even arrived, Spud had planned out what would go in the two boxes!

Spud is quite a lazy child, he has been wrapped up in cotton wool and has had Mummy do everything for him, he isn't a spoiled child but I do admit, he gets nearly everything he wants, if we cant spoil our children then who can we spoil!? Spud doesn't like tidying up, I say if you didn't make such a mess it wouldn't take you so long, but he whines and moans until I give in and end up helping him (which means Spud sits on his bed, and watches from above as I can be found putting toys away in various toy boxes. Now thanks to Trunki, he has never had so much fun putting toys away!

The Trunki ToyBox came with just two items needing to be clipped on, taking just a few seconds to insert what I call the locks, the ToyBox was ready to use. The Trunki ToyBox is ''a 4-in-1 cart, rocker, ride-on and ToyBox that makes tidying fun'' I certainly agree with the fun part, Spud loves the fact that he can tip the box up either way and not have any toys fall out!  The Trunki ToyBox is quite big although from the outside it doessn't look very big at all, Spud managed to fit loads of his Lego into one of them, and in the other lots of Mickey Mouse items.

If you purchase multiple boxes you can even make a Trunki train just like Spud did! The ToyBox has a soft carry handles on both the top and sides making it very easy for children to carry, not that Spud ever does carry his new ToyBoxes, he rides them everywhere! The green lid simply gets locked down with the orange locks keeping the lid tightly kept on.

ToyBox Features:
Stackable Storage
Ride around toy
Rubber tongue to make a ToyBox train
Tidy up cart mode
Rock tired toys to sleep
Carry handle
Fits in car foot well
25 litre capactity

Or for another unique use of the Trunki ToyBox, your child can do what Spud does and use it as a seat to watch Cbeebies on!

Available to buy in Pink&Purple or Blue&Green for a suggested RRP of £15 from the official Trunki site, Amazon, and many individual independent toy shops.

To find out more about Trunki check out the official website here.

Until next time,
Jade :)


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