Monday 28 January 2013

The MAD Blog Awards 2013!

Well as I only started my blog last August I missed out on the 2012 MAD Blog Awards, I am however happy that I am around for the 2013 MAD Blog Awards and would love for my readers and visitors to get involved!

The MAD Blog Awards fourth annual Mum and Dad Blog Awards, in association with, are the UK’s biggest and most exciting awards for parent blogs. Thousands of blogs are nominated, but just five bloggers from each category will make the finals, and will attend a gala awards ceremony in London in September 2013, where the winners of the 2013 MAD Blog Awards will be revealed.

Nominations open at midnight tonight and although I can't tell you what to do and who to vote for, I would be ever so grateful if any of my lovely readers and visitors would like to vote for me in any categories you think I fall into, I personally think Best New Blog but maybe you my lovely readers and visitors think more of me. There are 15 categories to choose from. Of course you are not obliged to vote for me, I do not class myself as one of the best bloggers, I am proud of how far my blog has come along and winning an award would be an amazing achievement, being in the final's alone would just be amazing enough! Something to remember for life!

Just to confirm you do NOT have to vote in every category! You only have to vote for Parent Dish Blog Of The Year, which can be any blog you feel deserves this title ;) and then any other categories you would like to vote in! 

So for example, if you only read my blog and one other, and wanted to vote for both of us, you would have to choose one of them as blog of the year and then the other one could go into one of the other categories! The rest of the categories you can just leave blank! 

ALSO you can vote for the same blog in multiple categories! So for example if i liked ekjbhgkdbs I would put them in 

- Best Baby Blog
- Best Blog Of The Year
- Best Family Blog
- Best Entertainment
- Best Craft
- Best New Blog
- Best School Days Blog

And for any other categories they fit in!    

The link to the nominations form is:  

Thanks in advance for anyone that may vote for me! 

Jade xx


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