Wednesday 22 January 2020

(AD) How to Help Your Employer Save Money

The less money your employer has to spend on business bills, the more likely it is to succeed. If the company you work for thrives, the more likely you are to thrive. With that in mind, why wouldn’t you want to help your employer save money? One of the easiest ways to save money, both at work and at home, is to go green, not only helping yourself and your employer by saving money, but also helping the environment. Read on further for some tips.

Mac computer on a desk, showing the wording do more.

Switch Off Electrical Devices Not In Use.
Start by making a habit of switching off all your devices before you head home for the day, as this will prevent wasted electricity. You should also encourage your colleagues to do the same, if this is something you’re comfortable with of course, if not you can pop a notice on the staff notice board, or even talk to management to get an email sent around. What’s more, if you have noticed that the office doesn’t have double glazing or LED bulbs, these are things you could suggest to your superior in an attempt to help the company reduce its carbon footprint.

Cut Down On Printing.
Many employees are also guilty of printing unnecessarily. Before you go to print something, you should always ask yourself if it’s truly essential, or if you can just email it. If you have a large print job pending, make sure you print one test copy first to make sure it is perfect. This is a better option than printing out a hundred pages only to realise there’s a typo and having to start again. There are print management companies that can help with ink and paper waste.

Introduce Carpooling.
If you live near a colleague or even a few, why not set up carpooling? Not only will you and your colleagues save money on petrol, general wear and tear on your cars, and even extra time, but you will all be helping to go green too. Having fewer cars on the road means less traffic, less pollution and fewer gasses. Take it in turns either daily, weekly, fortnightly or on an arrangement that suits you, and you will also be helping other colleagues including your bosses, by freeing up car parking spaces. 

Encourage Your Bosses To Recycle Workplace Furniture.
Whilst a revamp in the office, including all new furniture is an exciting prospect, why not carry on this exciting news by making another workplace or even a charity exited? Encourage the management team to recycle workplace furniture such as desks from the office, coffee tables and settees from the staff/chill our room. This will save the company hundreds as they won't have to fork out on removal services, and it will also help by not sending 'rubbish' to landfill.

Discuss Your Ideas.
Let your employer know that you aspire to help reduce waste and thus help them save money. If you try and do it alone you probably won’t make a huge difference, but sharing your thoughts with others will certainly help the company progress in the right direction. Communication within a business is always important and your boss and other colleagues might even have some helpful ideas of their own.

Jada x

*This post contains a sponsored link.


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