Tuesday 20 October 2020

Free Halloween Home Education Worksheets

 I have been home educating my son for over two years now, and whilst home education may be the worse idea for some families, for us it works perfectly splendid - any guesses to what I've just finished watching!? One of the things I love most about our home education journey, is that there is no particular structure or routine we must follow, heck we don't even have to follow the national curriculum if we don't want too, and that's the joys of home education!

With Halloween just around the corner, we're now starting to focus on the seasonal subject, which of course is every October! October is quite a busy month for us, as we learn about Black History Month every October, and the changing of seasons as Autumn comes into play, and then at the end of the month, we have Halloween to work around.

I have been making worksheets for a friend of mine now for some time, her little girl is like a niece to me, and at the age of five, her learning journey is just beginning. I make lots of my own worksheets for my son - as the ones I find easily available online just doesn't cater to his needs as such.

I find, I spend so much time searching, it's just easier to make my own, and whilst I've not got around to making my son's Halloween worksheets just yet, I have made my friend four for her daughter - two for English, and two for Maths. I'd say these are suitable for reception aged children, or those who are older with SEN.

These worksheets are free to download and print, as many times as you like. If you would like to share these, please give credit to www.uniqueyoungmum.com or tag me on socials (UniqueYoungMum).

I hope you enjoy them, and keep an eye out on the blog where I plan to upload more free downloadable worksheets soon! 

Until next time,
Jada x

To get the full-size worksheet, simply hover your cursor over the top right corner of the worksheet and click on the arrow to pop the worksheet out into a new tab.

1: Identify the picture - English

2: Rhyming words - English

3: Halloween Maths - Maths

4: Halloween Counting - Maths


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