Thursday 18 June 2020

Date Nights At Home

Dating is so important, but many seem to think dating stops as soon as a relationship starts. I once read an article on a successful 60+ year marriage, where the headline was along the lines of 'Dating was the success behind our 60 year marriage', I went on to read how dating was important, throughout a relationship and not just at the start, and I agree.

Date night meal at home, steak, home made chips, onion rings, peas & brocolli.

Date nights are nights off, date nights can be relaxing, they can be spontaneous, adventurous, loving and much more and the perfect thing about dates - it doesn't matter where they happen! During the first few weeks of lockdown, like many, our heads was scrambled with what was going on in the world at the present time, and as restrictions started lifting, the world seemed to be going back to normal at a much faster pace than anticipated, and beyond comfort zones - takeaways never closed for example, yet I was not comfortable in those early days to eat food prepared and cooked elsewhere.

With the world riding a crazy storm - the current situation we all find ourselves in, it was nice to have some kind of normality back, even if it was different to ways date nights are usually carried out. Using items you already have at home, you can change just the way you serve dinner and make it that extra bit special.

On a date night I love using my 'fancy' bowls, my small white heart bowls and small white square dishes, and instead of serving dinner on a usual dinner plate, dinner gets served on wooden serving boards instead, and I suppose food presentation is key to make it look that bit more special! The food would taste the same no matter how its served, but it's extra special when it's presented nicely!

Steak date night at home, steak served on a wooden serving tray.

The meal above had to be one of my most favourite at home date night meals, we had steak, homemade chips made in the air fryer, onion rings, peas, and tender stem broccoli, we did also have our own steak sauces too. 

Nando's at home, chicken, garlic bread and spicy rice.

Another one of my favourite home cooked date night meals is a 'Nando's Fakeaway'. Now, nothing, and I mean nothing compares to an actual Nando's meal, but fortunately we can get quite close thanks to Nando's having their own range in supermarkets. Nando's will be the first restaurant I will dine in when everything is safe and back to normal! You can't beat a cheeky Nando's!

Indian takeaway date night at home.

Having date nights are important, so you don't want it to be the case where someone spends hours cooking away in the kitchen. Date nights are all about spending time together, so takeaways are perfectly fine to call in too! My favourite date night takeaway is an Indian. I will only eat from one local Indian takeaway, the same one my dad has been using for over 30 years. With a meal like this, it's served up on a normal dinner plate, but all my plates have hearts on obviously!

Popcorn, Magic Stars & Haribo in a heart shaped bowl.

Sometimes a date night at home is a movie night at home, and for this, I make that extra bit of effort too. It's more washing up but I really don't care, it's special and although some may cringe, to me it's sweet, it's cute, and it shows the effort! Our favourite sweets and popcorn gets put into my large heart bowls and the bonus of eating out of a bowl and not packets is no rustling noises!

Valentines Date Night At Home - with the dog!

I am lucky to have The Dog House (my DIY garden bar) so for Valentines Day, instead of braving the restaurants and having to find childcare and dog-care, we headed down to The Dog House. I know we are fortunate enough to have this, especially for me as I not only basically live in my front room, but I teach Spud in the front room also, and I work from the front room as well.

My DIY summerhouse/garden bar transformed into a 'love shack' for date night.

So having a date night in the living room isn't as special to me, I see the same four walls over and over, so escaping to The Dog House and adding a few simple decorations such as candles, rose petals and heart decorations means a lot! We also turn the main lights off, have the small lights on and all the candles lit.

Prior to The Dog House, we would switch things up by eating in the kitchen, as normally, meals would be eaten in the lounge, and if the weather is good - the garden is a perfectly good 'date night' spot!

So just by changing a few minor things up, you can have a lovely date night from the comfort of your very own home!

Until next time,
Jada x


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